Albania was isolated from the outside world for 40 years. Whether this is the reason why the country is different from many other countries in Europe, I cannot say. But it probably plays a role. If you are interested in Albania or if you are also wondering, read along here in our 10 fun facts about Albania:

1. Small bikes

It is noticeable that there are many people who cycle in Albania. This may be due to the fact that private cars were unknown right up until the 1990s. What is even more striking is that the bikes that are ridden are very small. There may even be talk of children’s bicycles. It is especially men who ride bicycles.

An Old man on a bicycle

2. Men in suits

Most older men are very neatly – and some would probably say old fashioned – dressed. They are dressed in suits and hats.

Old men sitting and chatting

3. Garbage

The garbage system in Albania is not very efficient. In any case, there is rubbish in many places both in the city, along the road side and in the country side. The bins are mostly overflowing. They are often looked over thoroughly by dogs and homeless people.

Garbage on a street

4. Monkeys

It is common to hang various objects in front of one’s house to ward off evil. It can be, for example, garlic, goat horns or so-called monkeys, which are stuffed animals. These can be large at times and our children thought it was a shame for them to hang out day and night.

A Toy in front of a House

5. Minibusses

Buses in Albania are minibuses. By minibus I mean a bus with up to 19 passengers which is neither particularly long, wide or high. In Albanian called Furgeons. They drive long distances and often at high speed. They take passengers and drop them off in places that to the uninitiated do not seem logical. Inside the cities, “ordinary” buses run with room for many passengers. In these buses, the ticket is bought by a conductor on the bus.

People sitting in a bus

6. Bunkers

When Albania was led by Enver Hoxha in the period from the Second World War to 1985, the country became more and more isolated from the outside world. From the 1960s to the 1980s, many bunkers were built all over Albania so that it could defend itself against foreign countries (see post). These bunkers are located all over the country and some have been decorated quite nicely.

7. No Trains

As a result of Albania’s isolation, there is no train line connecting the country to other countries. There used to be many good railway lines internally in Albania, but they are poorly maintained and there is only one functional train line today. Several places such as in Durres the railway is being reconstructed.

Train tracks being laid

8. Mercedes-Benz

As written above, private motoring was unknown right up until the 1990s and when it became possible people wanted a status symbol. In addition, the roads in Albania were in a bad condition. The combination of this was that people’s love fell on Mercedes-Benz. It is still striking how many cars of this type are driving around Albania.

9. Love for NATO and USA

It is not unusual to see both the American flag and the NATO flag next to the Albanian flag. This is due to the US and NATO’s support for Kosovo Albaniens around the year 2000.

Flags With trees behind

10. Bakeries

In most supermarkets, the selection of bread is very limited and it is not very good either. It is the bread from the baker, on the other hand. It is really delicious and tasty and very cheap compared to the supermarkets. Everywhere you can have the bread cut into slices on a machine without extra payment.

We have been very happy to travel in Albania and the above must be interpreted only with affection.

A towel With the text “taken by Albania”

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