Showing: 1 - 10 of 12 RESULTS
Saint Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral in Yerevan Armenia
Armenia Countries


Our journey from Tbilisi, Georgia to Yerevan was a long and restless one, as we traveled through the night by train. However, as soon as we arrived in Yerevan, we were greeted by the stunningly beautiful Yerevan Train Station. Mother Armenia Our first day was spent visiting the bronze made Mother Armenia statue, which is a grand monument located in the city center. It has …

Motherland monument in Kiev Ukraine
Countries Ukraine


It may seem strange to write about our trip to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine now, when the country is in the midst of war. But it’s worth noting that Ukraine has been fighting for its sovereignty since 2014, and when we visited in 2019 the conflict in the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk was still going on. We hope that Ukraine will soon …

Parliament building in Chisinau Moldova With a nice flower bed saying Moldova in front of the building
Countries Moldova


Discovering the Hidden Gem of Eastern Europe. Nestled between Romania and Ukraine, Moldova is a small country that is often overlooked by travelers to Eastern Europe. However, those who do take the time to explore this hidden gem are rewarded with breathtaking scenery, rich history, and a vibrant culture that is all its own. One of the best places to start your journey through Moldova …

Tourist city map of Tiraspol in a table

Trasnistria – The Country That Does Not Exist

In 2019, we embarked on a unique train journey to Transnistria, a breakaway state that is officially recognized as part of Moldova but claims its independence. Our journey began in Odessa, Ukraine, where we boarded a train that would take us across the border into this unrecognized state. Transnistria’s history is fraught with political tensions and conflict. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the …

A children drawing image


Traveling and homeschooling your children can seem daunting, but it can also be an exciting opportunity to learn and explore new places together. In this travel blog post, we will share our experience of homeschooling our children while traveling through Europe for six months. Our three children are 6, 9, and 11 years old and we will try to combine learning in the city, in …

A father With his three children. Two small girls walking next to him and a third child in the straller he is pushing
Travel with kids

Travel with kids

Planning the Trip Traveling with children requires some extra planning, especially if you have different ages and needs to consider. In our case, Vilhelm was still in daycare and using diapers, Agnes was in preschool and was worried about leaving her best friend behind, and Johanne was in first grade and just happy to have some time off from school (or so she thought!) when …

A train is on its way into a tunnel. There are mountain all around it
Countries Turkey

Train ride from Ankara to Erzerum

In March 2019 we embarked on a train journey from Ankara to Erzurum, one of the most beautiful and scenic routes in Turkey. The 27-hour train ride offered breathtaking views of mountains, snow, and quaint villages along the way. As soon as we stepped into the train, we were mesmerized by the spacious and comfortable seats, making it the perfect way to relax and take …

A beautiful classical archtecture yellow building in Kiev, Ukraine. Busy street with cars
Long travel trips

Train trip 2019

Prior to the global pandemic that brought travel to a halt, we were lucky enough to embark on a train journey through Eastern Europe with our young family. At the time, our children were aged 2, 5, and 7. Despite the concerns raised by some, we were determined to embark on this adventure with our little ones in tow. Our travels took us to some …