We are delighted to share the exciting news that our highly anticipated train journey in 2023 has commenced! Our family of five, consisting of two adults and three children, embarked on an affordable and thrilling trip from Kolding, Denmark, to the captivating city of Poznan in Poland. With a total travel time of 15.5 hours, our journey promised to be an unforgettable experience.

Leg 1: Kolding to Padborg (78 DKK): Our train adventure began as we boarded the train from Kolding.

Leg 2: Padborg to Flensborg (52 DKK): Shortly after arriving in Padborg we made a smooth border crossing into Germany and the city of Flensborg.

Leg 3: Germany Exploration (385 DKK): From Flensborg, we embarked on an exciting adventure across Germany. We opted for the cost-effective “Quer durchs Land” ticket, which allowed us to travel across the entire country for 385 DKK. Our route involved train transfers in Hamburg, Lübeck, and Güstrow, providing us with glimpses of diverse German landscapes and the chance to explore different cities along the way.

Leg 4: Grambow to Stettin (95 DKK): Upon reaching Grambow, a border town between Germany and Poland, we purchased an online ticket for 95 DKK to continue our journey to Stettin. The train ride from Grambow to Stettin was yet another example of smooth transition between two neighboring countries.

Once we arrived in Stettin, we took a quick break to enjoy a meal at KFC before continuing our journey to Poznan. Finding the appropriate connection proved to be a bit challenging, but with determination, we managed to secure tickets for an Intercity train to Poznan for 255 DKK. The scenic ride through the Polish countryside offered glimpses of Poland’s charm, building our excitement for the adventures that awaited us in Poznan.

Our train journey to Poznan, where we arrived at 22.30, was a testament to the joy of budget travel and the thrill of exploring new territories. With careful planning and cost-conscious decisions, we managed to complete the first part of our family adventure for a total of 865 DKK, including tickets for all five of us. This amounted to just 55 DKK per hour of travel—a remarkable value for a memorable journey.


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