One of the most interesting border crossings in Europe is the one between Moldova and Romania. This is because the train has to be lifted up and have its wheels changed, as the two countries have different railway gauges. This process is called “bogie exchange” and takes several hours to complete.

The reason for the bogie exchange is that Romania uses standard gauge tracks, while Moldova uses Russian gauge tracks. This means that the wheels on the train need to be changed to ensure a smooth transition between the two types of tracks. During the process, the carriages are lifted up on jacks, and the bogies, which are the chassis that hold the wheels, are replaced with ones that fit the new gauge.

While the process may sound time-consuming and even a bit inconvenient, it’s actually quite fascinating to witness. It’s also a great opportunity to stretch your legs, grab a bite to eat, and chat with other travellers. The border station is located in the city of Ungheni, and there are plenty of cafes and restaurants nearby.

Travelling by train across borders may require a bit more preparation and patience than other forms of travel, but it’s worth it for the unique experiences and sights you’ll encounter. And the Moldova-Romania border crossing is just one example of the fascinating quirks you might encounter on your journey.

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