The enchanting UNESCO city of Ohrid is a place that perfectly combines historic charm, a crystal-clear lake, delectable dining, affordability, and warm locals. If you’re seeking inspiration for your visit with kids to Ohrid, Macedonia, read on.

Ohrid – a City and a Lake

Don’t be perplexed by the fact that both the city and the lake share the name Ohrid. Ohrid, the city, nestles by Lake Ohrid, which stretches between Albania and Macedonia. Even when we took a dip in the waters of Pogradec, it was still Lake Ohrid beneath us.

Ohrid, situated in the southwest of Macedonia, boasts a population of 55,749 residents as of 2002. Despite being the primary tourist destination in North Macedonia, thanks to its pleasant climate, we found Ohrid pleasantly uncrowded during our visit in September.

Since 1980, both Ohrid and Lake Ohrid have held coveted spots on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, recognized for their natural beauty and cultural significance.

Top 5 Things to Do in Ohrid With Kids 2023

Ohrid is a must-visit destination in Macedonia, where children will immediately feel at home. Here come our best 5 tips for your stay:

1. Lake Ohrid

When it comes to hidden treasures in Europe, Lake Ohrid in Macedonia shines as one of the continent’s most captivating secrets. Nestled between rugged mountains and surrounded by picturesque towns, this ancient lake is a haven of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and outdoor adventures. Let’s embark on a journey to explore the enchanting Lake Ohrid.

A Natural Wonder: Lake Ohrid is often referred to as the “Pearl of the Balkans,” and it’s not hard to see why. This ancient lake, formed over three million years ago, is one of the oldest and deepest in Europe. Its crystal-clear waters extend for 30 kilometers, stretching between Macedonia and Albania, creating a serene border between the two countries.

Unparalleled Clarity: What sets Lake Ohrid apart is its exceptional water clarity. The lake’s transparency allows you to see down to depths of 22 meters, making it a haven for divers and snorkelers. Beneath the surface, you’ll discover a world of submerged ruins, caves, and a diverse range of aquatic life. Your children will cherish every moment of swimming in its clear, pebble-lined shores. Water shoes are a must as the lakebed transitions to larger stones, and it quickly deepens. With snorkeling gear, you can even spot tiny fish beneath the surface.

Historical Significance: Lake Ohrid’s significance isn’t confined to its natural beauty. Its shores are adorned with historic towns, including the city of Ohrid itself.

Spiritual Oasis: The shores of Lake Ohrid are dotted with churches and monasteries, earning it the nickname “Jerusalem of the Balkans.” Among these, St. John at Kaneo stands as an architectural masterpiece, perched on a cliff overlooking the lake. Its stunning Byzantine frescoes and tranquil atmosphere make it a must-visit.

Outdoor Adventures and kids: For nature enthusiasts and kids, Lake Ohrid is a playground. Kayak across its glassy surface, explore the surrounding mountains on a hiking expedition, or take a leisurely bike ride along its shores. The Galicica National Park, which borders the lake, offers pristine wilderness waiting to be explored.

Relaxation and Tranquility: Lake Ohrid is not just a destination for adventure; it’s also a place to unwind. Find a quiet spot along the shoreline, lay down a blanket, and bask in the serenity. The gentle lapping of waves and the backdrop of majestic mountains create an idyllic setting for relaxation.

Sunset Magic: As day turns to night, don’t miss the opportunity to witness a Lake Ohrid sunset. The changing colors reflecting on the lake’s surface are nothing short of magical. Capture the moment with your camera or simply soak in the beauty with your own eyes.

A Lake With boats at sunset

2. Ohrid Fortress

Explore the awe-inspiring Ohrid Fortress (also known as Samuel’s Fortress).

A Glimpse into the Past: Ohrid Fortress carries the weight of centuries in its stone walls. Recent excavations suggest that it may have been built on the site of an earlier fortification dating back to the 4th century BC, possibly erected under the reign of King Philip II of Macedon. These foundations echo the grandeur of Macedonia’s rich history.

Architectural Grandeur: As you approach the fortress, its architectural grandeur comes into full view. The stone walls, fortifications, and imposing towers reflect an era when defense was paramount. Be prepared for a steep climb. The reward at the top is a breathtaking panorama of Ohrid and the lake.

A Historical Journey: Walking through the fortress gates transports you back in time. You’ll traverse narrow stone streets and discover remnants of ancient buildings and structures. The fortress offers a glimpse into the lives of past civilizations that have called Ohrid home, including the Byzantines and the Romans.

Spectacular Views: One of the undeniable highlights of Ohrid Fortress is its unparalleled views. From the elevated vantage point, you can capture stunning photographs of Ohrid’s red-tiled roofs, the shimmering waters of Lake Ohrid, and the lush surrounding landscapes. It’s an ideal spot to witness the city’s natural beauty and architectural charm. The narrow stone paths may challenge those with vertigo, so keep an eye on little ones as they explore this captivating site.

A Symbol of Resilience: Ohrid Fortress has witnessed countless historical events and changes of power. It stands as a symbol of the city’s resilience and its enduring spirit. For centuries, it has weathered storms and remained a sentinel of Ohrid.

View from castle at city and Lake

3. Saint Sophia Church

Nestled in the heart of Ohrid, Macedonia, the Saint Sophia Church stands as a testament to the city’s rich history and architectural splendor. This iconic church, also known as “Sveta Sofija” in Macedonian, is a must-visit for travelers seeking a glimpse into the cultural and spiritual heritage of this picturesque UNESCO city.

Historical Significance: Saint Sophia Church is steeped in history, with its origins dating back to the 9th century. It was built upon the foundations of an early Christian basilica from the 5th century, preserving layers of time within its walls. The church is dedicated to the Holy Wisdom and holds a significant place in the hearts of both locals and visitors.

Architectural Marvel: As you approach Saint Sophia Church, its Byzantine architectural elegance captivates the eye. The exterior is adorned with intricate stone carvings and decorative elements that reflect the artistry of the time. It’s a prime example of Byzantine ecclesiastical architecture, characterized by its domed roof and graceful proportions.

A Glimpse into the Past: Stepping inside the church is like entering a time capsule of medieval Macedonia. The interior is adorned with a treasure trove of frescoes and artwork from the Middle Ages, depicting scenes from religious texts and historical events. These vivid paintings provide a vivid glimpse into the culture and beliefs of the time.

Tranquil Surroundings: The church is surrounded by beautifully maintained gardens and lawns, providing a serene oasis in the heart of Ohrid’s old town. Visitors can take a moment to relax on park benches, enjoying the peaceful ambiance and the presence of the nearby Ohrid Lake.

A Place of Worship: Saint Sophia Church remains an active place of worship, hosting religious ceremonies and events throughout the year. Its spiritual significance is palpable, making it a place for both reflection and reverence.

A Hidden Gem: While Saint Sophia Church may not always receive the same attention as some of Ohrid’s other attractions, it is a hidden gem that offers a serene escape from the bustling streets. It’s a place where history, art, and spirituality come together in harmony.

Visiting With Kids: There are hidden turtles among the beautiful gardens and lawns surrounding this historic treasure. Our kids found 11 turtles and had a great time searching for them. They are very photogenic, too.

4. St. Naum Monastery

Near Ohrid lies the captivating St. Naum Monastery, a hidden gem that beckons both travelers seeking tranquility, history, and stunning natural beauty and kids seeking for adventure.

A Place of Spiritual Significance: St. Naum Monastery, also known as Manastir Sveti Naum, holds a place of deep spiritual significance. It was established in the Bulgarian Empire in the year 905 by none other than St. Naum of Ohrid himself. This historical site is not just a testament to ancient architecture but also the final resting place of the revered St. Naum.

Nature’s Embrace: What makes St. Naum Monastery truly remarkable is its breathtaking natural setting. The monastery is perched on the shores of the pristine Lake Ohrid, surrounded by lush greenery and the Galicica National Park. The combination of crystal-clear waters and majestic mountains creates a picturesque backdrop that’s nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Architectural Wonders: Step into the monastery, and you’ll be greeted by a blend of architectural styles that span centuries. The church within the monastery is an exquisite example of Byzantine architecture. Its interior is adorned with stunning frescoes that tell stories of faith and history.

The Healing Springs: One of the most unique features of St. Naum Monastery is the presence of natural springs nearby. Legend has it that St. Naum himself discovered these springs, and the waters are believed to have healing properties. Pilgrims and travelers often take a moment to drink from these springs, seeking both physical and spiritual rejuvenation.

A Peaceful Retreat: Strolling through the monastery’s gardens and courtyards, you’ll find yourself immersed in a sense of tranquility. The sound of rustling leaves, the gentle lapping of lake waves, and the distant calls of birds create an ambiance of peace that’s perfect for reflection and meditation. Our children were deeply fascinated by the peacocks at the monastery and the unique atmosphere inside the monastery itself. Our 6-year-old son has been talking about monks ever since we visited St. Naum.

Boat Ride to Serenity: For an even more enchanting experience, consider taking a boat ride from Ohrid to St. Naum Monastery. The journey across Lake Ohrid is a tranquil one, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. You’ll disembark just below the monastery, where you can explore this serene sanctuary at your own pace. The return trip costs 15 Euro.

Medieval church and blue sky

5. A Semi-Submarine Cruise

Your kids will love a cruise with a semi-submarine. The charming little red semi-submarine, with a painted face, awaits you at Ohrid’s harbor. It can’t dive underwater but features a glass bottom for a unique underwater view. See proces at their FB-page.

Kids watching a red uboat

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