We have now spent a week in the exciting East Latvian city of Daugavpils. The city is Latvia’s second-largest and is located close to the borders of Belarus (25 km) and Lithuania (35 km). We chose to visit the city because we are fascinated by Russian language and culture. In Daugavpils, 48.6% of the city’s population of 82,046 residents are Russians. Additionally, a significant portion of the Latvian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian population in the city also speaks Russian. In other words, we have primarily heard people speaking Russian here. The younger part of the population speaks English fluently, making it easy for tourists to get by in the city without knowing Russian.

Highlights in Daugavpils

The fortress area

Despite the city’s reputation as provincial compared to Riga, it certainly has a lot to offer, and we have not been bored at all.

We were disappointed to have missed a grand reenactment festival that took place at the fortress the day before our arrival. It could have been a fantastic experience. But we spend a nice day at the fortæres area, though. The fortress is like a city within the city, and there is a unique atmosphere there. We strolled around the areas that have not been renovated yet. There is enormous potential in utilizing them as museums, exhibition spaces, venues for cultural events, etc., but renovating the buildings is both costly and extensive. According to Wikipedia, the Latvian government is considering selling the buildings to what purpose is unknown. To the delight of the children, we encountered a massive lizard on the fortress grounds.

Yellow building at the fortress area Daugavpils

Lialais Stropu Lake

Twice, we enjoyed the beautiful Lielais Stropu Lake. It’s a lovely spot for relaxing and taking in the picturesque surroundings. The Lake has the Blue Flag Award, a testament to its cleanliness and environmental standards. There is a massive floating pontoon in the lake, equipped with children’s pools and diving platforms, and even lifeguards to ensure safety. Adjacent to the lake, there is a lovely beach and playground, along with toilet facilities, an ice cream parlor, and a small restaurant.

Market “Ditton Nams”

We also visited the large indoor and outdoor market called “Ditton Nams.” The shopping center covers an area of about 50,000 square meters and houses more than 800 shopping places.

Family digital activity hub

The children loved the Family Digital Activity Hub at Daugavpils Library. They tried VR, Xbox video games, an interactive bicycle ride, and much more. The best part is that it’s all free and located inside the Daugavpils Unity House, next to the Tourist Information Office. The operating hours are from 11 AM to 6 PM.


We have also spent a considerable amount of time admiring the beautiful architecture here. Many buildings are listed as historical monuments, but they could benefit from some restoration and care. Daugavpils takes pride in its unified ensemble of both classic and eclectic architectural styles.

Architecture Daugavpils

Walking through the city, we’ve seen a blend of stunning facades showcasing different periods of history, reflecting the city’s diverse cultural influences. From intricate Art Nouveau designs to elegant Baroque structures, Daugavpils truly presents a delightful sight for architecture enthusiasts.

Daugavpils summarized

Throughout our stay, we’ve been captivated by the unique atmosphere of this city, where history meets modernity. The charm of Daugavpils lies not only in its diverse cultural heritage but also in the warmth of its people, making it a wonderful destination for anyone seeking an immersive and enriching experience.

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