Traveling and homeschooling your children can seem daunting, but it can also be an exciting opportunity to learn and explore new places together. In this travel blog post, we will share our experience of homeschooling our children while traveling through Europe for six months. Our three children are 6, 9, and 11 years old and we will try to combine learning in the city, in nature, and in the apartment. Who says that being homeschooled by your parents has to be boring? There are always new ways to learn when you travel. We think at the following is to consider:

Academic level:

As both my husband and I are high school teachers, the academic level is not a problem. Our challenge will be to motivate the children and avoid them disturbing each other. We believe that the hands-on learning experiences that we can provide while traveling will make homeschooling more engaging and enjoyable for the children.

Connection to school:

We will also stay connected with their classes back home both for the social aspect and to ensure that they are also learning and progressing academically. This way, we can ensure that the children are not missing out on anything important and can maintain a connection with their peers and teachers.

Nature as a Classroom
One of the highlights of our homeschooling journey will be using nature as a classroom. Our children can learn about different plants and animals, geological formations, and more, all while getting exercise and fresh air. We have also had the opportunity to visit national parks and wildlife preserves, where our children can learn about conservation efforts and the importance of preserving our natural resources.

Museums and City Life
Another advantage of homeschooling while traveling is the opportunity to visit museums and other cultural institutions. Our children have had the opportunity to see famous works of art, learn about scientific innovations, and much more. We have also explored city life, visiting historical sites and experiencing different urban cultures.

Challenges of Being a Parent and Teacher
Although homeschooling has its benefits, it is not without its challenges. As high school teachers, it is challenging to teach our own children, and our children find it challenging to have their parents as teachers. However, we believe that the benefits of homeschooling while traveling outweigh these difficulties, and we are grateful for the opportunities that this lifestyle provides for our family.

Language skills
One of the biggest benefits of homeschooling while traveling is the opportunity to immerse ourselves in different cultures and environments. Our children can experience new sights, and tastes while learning about the world and its history. They also have the opportunity to improve their English vocabulary while visiting foreign countries.