Taking a break from work and traveling the world for half a year may seem like a daunting task, especially if you’re on a tight budget. However, with some smart planning and adjustments, it’s possible to make this dream a reality. Here are some tips on how to afford such an adventure:

  1. Save Money: We cut down on luxury expenses such as movies, theater, short vacations, and eating out. We have done this for some years now and it really makes a finansiel difference.
  2. Invest in Assets: Despite the recent dip in stock prices, stocks always tend to increase over time. Investing in assets such as stocks is a great way to grow your wealth and finance your travels.
  3. Co-Housing: Our grandmother lives with us, which means we live for free and can save money for our travels. Consider co-housing with friends or family members to reduce your housing expenses.
  4. Avoid High Street Shopping: To avoid temptation and overspending, we avoid visiting shopping centers and high street shopping.
  5. Cut Down on Subscriptions: We have given up Netflix and other paid streaming services and instead watch free TV from our home country and their free streaming services.
  6. Save on Gas: We switched from a gasoline car to an electric car and save money by having solar panels on our roof.
  7. Rural Living: We live in an old house in the countryside. If we lived in the city, we would have to pay much more in rent.
  8. Home Cooking: We avoid fast food and instead cook everything from scratch. We’ve also become vegetarians for this reason.

By following these tips, you can save money and make your dream of traveling the world a reality. Good luck, and happy travels!

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