What do you do when you have returned home after an absolutely fantastic 6-month long train journey? If we could afford it, we would probably leave again soon, but since it is not possible, we have to come up with something else.

Photo book

I therefore started by making a photo book with photos from the trip, or rather 3 photo books, as we simply had so many good photos. Normally I like to make a photo book of family photos, but this was a huge project, which took a bit of the fun out of it. However, the result was really nice and very satisfying. With the books under my arm, it’s easy to talk about the trip with family and friends.


In addition, I would like to go around and give lectures about our trip. I really feel that I have a message that is interesting to many people: travel more by train in the world and take your children with you. In doing so, I hope to be able to push a wave towards more climate-friendly forms of travel. However, it is difficult to come in from the street and convince people that they should choose my lecture. I have a few on the calendar and now hoping for a snowball effect.

Albanian Guide Book

In addition, I have learned that there is a lack of a Danish-speaking travel books about Albania – so I have started writing one. So if anyone knows someone who wants to publish it, please let me know!


And then there is the blog here, which I would like to keep going. There will be posts about train journeys of a more general nature in the future, just as I would also like to tell more about our 2019 train journey to Russia and Ukraine. So stay tuned and look out for more great train stuff:)

Snow covered fields and Sun set

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