Let it be said right away: Athens is a noisy and not particularly kid-friendly city. Still, we – and the children – had a lovely week in Greece’s capital. Read along here and get our ideas for activities with kids in Athens.

1. Changing of the Guard at the Syntagma Square

On a daily basis every full hour there is a change of guard at Syntagma Square. However, these changing of the guard are nothing compared to the changing of the guard on Sunday at 11. Here a spectacular changing of the guard takes place, which is much bigger and better looking. Make sure you get a seat in good time and preferably at the front for the sake of the children, because there really are many who want to see it. The guards’ uniform is a hit with all children. The young men look really handsome and exotic in their pleated skirt, tights, waistcoat and hat. When they walk, their iron-studded shoes make a funny sound. It is all accompanied by an orchestra, which follows the guards from the separate houses at the parliament along the road in front of the parliament.

Men in White traditional greek clothes

2. The National Garden

The green oasis right by the Syntagma Square is a fantastic breather for young and old in Athens. We returned to the park several times and with good reason. The children loved being able to run around freely in there and look at exotic plants from all over the world. They were particularly excited to meet turtles that roam freely in the park and to observe the many parrots that fly around in there. The highlight of the visit was the brand new, beautiful playground, which our children really enjoyed. There is a tap with drinking water, benches and shade.

A playground among trees

3. Acropolis

Of course, the children must take a trip to the Acropolis rock. It is an experience that they will remember for a long time. If they have previously heard the stories about the Greek gods, for example Poseidon and Athena, the experience will be even more vivid for them. Our children also had many other fun experiences that were not directly related to the gods, the Acropolis and the Partheon: On the way up they talked to some cats, they met a priest who gave them sweets, they thought it was funny to see the Greek Prime Minister’s bodyguards (yep! He was visiting up there with the Estonian president). Our son also enjoyed pouring water into small stone holes up on the Acropolis.

Acropolis viewed from a distance

4. The Beach

Imagine being on a city holiday and at the same time being able to get to the beach in just 30 minutes by public transport. You can do that in Athens. Our children love to swim, so of course we had to try that – even though it was October. We took the metro and tram to Edem beach, which is the most urban beach in Athens. The tram stops practically right at the beach. We arrived early so we could get a seat in the shade of a palm tree. There are some pebbles the first little way out into the water, but otherwise there is a nice sandy bottom. The water gets deep quickly, so remember swimming fins for the little ones. There is a beach bar, changing rooms and showers. Above the beach is a playground with a view over the sea.

A playground With palmtrees

5. Shopping in The Plaka Area

If found, found here. On the shopping streets in the famous tourist area Plaka, you’ll find everything the heart could desire – especially in sourveniers and small gifts that you can take home. The street is cozy and full of small shops and ice cream stalls. The children enjoyed looking at funny things. There is just a lovely holiday atmosphere on the street. Plaka is the oldest area in Athens and is located under the Acropolis rock on the northern side.

A shopping street on a warm summerday

Athens With Kids in Summary

So definitely take your children to Athens. There is plenty to experience and you will certainly have a memorable trip in this hectic and at the same time exciting and fascinating city.

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