Planning the Trip

Traveling with children requires some extra planning, especially if you have different ages and needs to consider. In our case, Vilhelm was still in daycare and using diapers, Agnes was in preschool and was worried about leaving her best friend behind, and Johanne was in first grade and just happy to have some time off from school (or so she thought!) when we went on a 6 month trio in 2019. It was important for us to consider the children’s needs and make sure that the trip would be enjoyable for them as well.

Memorable Moments

Four years later, we still talk about our trip and the memories we created together as a family. We made photo books of our travels, and Johanne still remembers many things from the trip. The memories of our last long trip also make the children even more excited for our upcoming 2023 trip, which will be different in many ways. This time, all three children are in school, and we will be homeschooling them on the trip. Johanne now has more demanding subjects, which means we will need to spend more time on schoolwork.

We hope our experiences and tips will help you plan your next family trip with confidence. Happy travels!

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