The Greek islands are something special. Our choice fell on Zakynthos by chance, as the island is in the north of Greece and we had to continue to Saranda in Albania afterwards. A choice we did not regret.

Getting in (from Patras)

Our first challenge, however, was figuring out how to get to the island. We assumed that we could sail from Patras and therefore went to a ferry office to buy tickets. Here we were told that we could not sail from Patras, but had to go to the port town of Kyllini. We could take the bus there. Then we went to the bus station, where we bought tickets and were told that the bus would take us to the ferry, sail with the ferry and then drive us from the ferry to the bus station in Zakynthos town. We wondered about that. We occasionally sail with Danish ferries and here the bus never sails with the ferry to the island. However, we were confirmed that this was the case when we subsequently bought ferry tickets at an office opposite the bus station.On the day of departure, we drove an hour by bus from Patras bus station to the port of Kyllini. It was a beautiful drive along the sea.

The Ferry Voyage from Kyllini to Zakynthos

In Kyllini everyone had to get off the bus and on foot onto the ferry. It was a big, beautiful ferry that left on time. The sailing trip took one hour and 20 minutes. We stood most of the time admiring the beautiful blue sea and Zakynthos which became visible in the distance. On the ferry itself, there was a café, TV, toilets and a sun deck. After arriving in the beautifully situated city of Zante, we boarded the bus and drove the short distance to the bus station, which max. took 10 minutes. It was and remained a mystery to us why the bus had to take the ferry!

People walking into a ferry

Getting Around Zakynthos: Island Transport Options

As we arrived on a Sunday, it was unfortunately not possible for us to use public transport on the island. We therefore got the number of a taxi company from the man who sold bus and ferry tickets. However, it turned out to be an expensive pleasure. According to the taxi driver, there was a “fixed price”, but when we complained about the 25 Euros it would cost to drive 8 km, he said we could get the trip for 20 Euros. A bit of a contradiction!

Our Top 10 Attractions on Zakynthos

After this challenging journey, in the coming days we really enjoyed the island to the fullest. We rented a car and we were very happy with that. The island’s public transport leaves a lot to be desired! The car was also really nice to have, as the children’s grandmother came from Denmark and visited us for a week on the island.

1. Olive Pressing

On one of our drives around the island we happened to see a sign for “Olive Press” and drove there. We were lucky enough to have come to Elie’s olive press. There is free entry and the nice lady showed us a video about how olive oil is made there. The machines only run in the evening, so we didn’t see it “live”. We were given taste tests of various delicious olive oils, e.g. with orange flavor and also tasted her mother’s homemade plum marmalade. We recommend this place – and it is not far from the shipwreck. See address etc. on their website here:

A olive press

2. Laganas and Kalamati Beaches

We lived not far from these lovely beaches. Both beaches are sandy and are really lovely. The beaches are actually one long beach, with Laganas close to restaurants and bars, while Kalamati is more unspoiled. Bathing is most child-friendly at Laganas, thenas the sea does not get deep as quickly here.

3. Zante city

The main city on Zakynthos is also called Zakynthos, but is also called Zante. This is the city where the ferry arrives and departs. There is a beautiful harbor promenade and delicious restaurants and cafes. The city itself does not have much culture to offer, as it was totally destroyed by an earthquake in 1953. Worth mentioning, however, is the church of Agios Dionysios, which was one of the three buildings in the city that survived the earthquake. The church had just been completed in 1948, i.e. only five years before the earthquake.

A Square With Old buildings

4. The Blue Caves

As it was very windy for several of the days we were on the island, we could not sail out to the blue caves. However, we could drive to “The windmill”. From here there was a beautiful view of the fantastic blue sea. We went down the stairs and stood right down by the water, from where you could see the caves going into the rocks.

Waves and cliffs

5. Panorama Tour

We really enjoyed driving around the island. We rented a 7-seater car from Caretta rentals and were very satisfied with both the car and the price The most beautiful trip we drove from Zante city via Katastari, Xigia, Elies Olive Press, Anemomylos, Navagio beachpoint view and Exo Chora.

A Road leading through olive trees

6. Zakynthos Sea Turtle Rescue and Information Center

We were really glad we drove over and visited this place. At the center you get a really good understanding of how important a role you as a tourist play for the well-being of sea turtles. Zakynthos is one of the largest places where the sea turtle Caretta Caretta nests. It lays its eggs in nests on the sandy beaches. The problem is just that the tourists build sandcastles and other obstacles that make life on the island difficult for the turtles. Support the place by buying a souvenir in the gift shop.

7. Gerakas Beach

A short walk from the Zakynthos Sea Turtle Rescue and Information Center is Gerakas beach. This is one of the beaches where the sea turtles lay their eggs. Therefore, do not visit the beach during their breeding season! We were there in October – out of the breeding season – and we were happy to see that parts of the beach are cordoned off, so the turtles had good conditions. The beach is really nice and incredibly beautiful.

People heading to a beautiful Beach surrounded by cliffs

8. The Shipwreck

If you’ve seen tourist brochures from Zakynthos, you’ve probably also seen a picture of the shipwreck. It is located on Navagio Beach, which is a beautiful sandy beach surrounded by turquoise sea. In 2023, the beach was not allowed to be walked on due to the danger of the rocks above the ship crashing down. However, it is still possible to see the shipwreck from the lake side and from a viewing platform. We drove to the viewing platform and from here we had a really nice view of the beach and the wreck. The history of the ship is very special: it ran aground in 1980 and rumor has it that it was loaded with smuggled cigarettes! Since then it has been lying on the beach and has become a major tourist attraction.

A shipswreck on a sandy beach

9. Fortress of Zakynthos

Fortress of Zakynthos or Bóchali Venetian Castle Beautifully situated above the town of Zante, you will find the remains of the Venetian castle. There is an entrance fee, but with a discount for pensioners and children. Excavations have shown that castles were built on the same site where the island’s ancient Acropolis and a Byzantine castle were also located. The Venetian castle was completed in 1646 and at the entrance to the castle the Venetian city coat of arms can still be seen. The English took over the Ionian Islands in 1812 and thus also the castle. They reconstructed the buildings and built new ones including barracks and weapons stores. Our children were particularly interested in the prison and the viewing platform over Zante town.

Stone ruins of a house in pine Wood

10. 2000 Year Old Olive Tree

In the small village of Exo Chora, the oldest Island olive tree is located. The tree is 2000 years old and stands centrally in the town square. The road through the city goes right past it and it is thus easy to spot. The town itself is also very pleasant and not as touristy as many other towns on the island.

A huge olive tree

Go there!

Zakynthos is a lovely green island with lovely nature and plenty of beautiful beaches for the whole family. We really enjoyed our week on the island to the fullest and the island was exactly the kind of Greek island we wanted to visit.

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